This article gives a comparative survey of
Indian and western attitudes towards non-human life in general and
towards animals in specific.
Given that more than 10 billion animals get slaughtered
every year, it should make us wonder what kind of an outlook, what
worldview enables so much cruelty. Towards that end, I will herein be
attempting a comparative survey of Indian and western attitudes towards
non-human life in general and towards animals in specific. More
importantly, we would be looking at deep differences in ideas that shape
these attitudes. I will stick to broad currents within each world view
and avoid minor exceptions within each, so we do not miss the forest for
the trees. Once we identify the deeply embedded differences in ideas,
we would be able to better appreciate and comprehend the ground
realities that we see.
As an outline, I wish to introduce the various world views that we
would survey. We would begin with the Abrahamic religions and proceed to
the outlook of most modern day secularists as these occupy maximum mind
space in the world today. We will then look at Dharma as an alternative
and in contrast to these. Once we have covered sufficient ground on the
ideas of each, we will then briefly visit the cocoon of the Indian
secularists and also touch upon issues with present day animal rights
Abrahamic worldview
We are invariably confronted with the question of religion in shaping
attitudes towards non-human life and hence we shall begin here. With
regard to animals and nature, we can place the Abrahamic religions in
the same basket i.e. they force the world into a binary – only humans
have souls while the rest of life do not.
Genesis 1-26:28 says –
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our
image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea
and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals
and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God
created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be
fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule
over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living
creature that moves on the ground.”
Islam, being a derivative of Christianity, was not much different in
that the all merciful God added the constraint of halal, which is
arguably a crueler means of slaughter. In a nutshell, these religions
view all life apart from humans as purely mechanical automata. It is
also intriguing to note that in the few dialogues that Christian
missionaries had with Hindu pundits in the early 18th to the early 19th
century, the Christians’ poor treatment of animals was a recurring theme
of criticism advanced by the pundits [1] I reproduce here a recording
of a Christian missionary Rogerius (1651) about his frustration with the
pundits: [2]
You cannot make them admit that Man outstrips the beasts and that
he is a nobler creature than the animals because he has a superior
soul. If you try to remonstrate with them on this, they would say,
animals also have a similar kind of soul. If you try to demonstrate this
by the workings of the rational soul, which is evident in Man and not
in the beasts: you may expect an answer… that the reason why animals do
not exhibit the kind of rationality and understanding that human beings
can show, why they cannot speak as man does, is because they are not
given a body capable of exhibiting the qualities of their soul …”
Bridge to the Secular
Though, it is straightforward to understand the implications of such
religious beliefs in the treatment of animals, which correlates with the
ground realities that we see today, one wonders as to why the secular
world hasn’t changed much in their outlook towards them. This becomes
clear once we understand the secularized version of the belief that
animals do not have soul – “animals do not have consciousness”. Before
we dive deeper into this belief, let us pause and note that this
secularized attitude towards animals is not an inch different from
Christian theology, i.e. that non-human life are purely mechanical
automata (although framed in a more sophisticated and scientific
Allen and Trestman rightly note: “…there is a lot at stake morally in
the question of whether animals are conscious beings or “mindless
automata”. Many billions of animals are slaughtered every year for food,
for use in research, and for other human purposes. Moreover, before
their deaths, many — perhaps most — of these animals are subject to the
conditions of life that — if they are in fact experienced by the animals
in anything like the way a human would experience them — amount to
cruelty. Arguments that non-human animals are not conscious, therefore,
effectively double as apologetics for our treatment of animals. When the
question of animal consciousness is under consideration, our guilt or
innocence as a civilization for an enormous body of cruelty may hang in
the balance.”[3]
Consciousness here refers to phenomenal consciousness, i.e. the
subjective, qualitative, experiential experience, otherwise, referred to
as “qualia”. As an example of phenomenal consciousness, consider the
experience of sound as compared to a coax cable carrying an audio signal
or the qualitative experience of vision as compared to a camera. Though
the ear and eye relay information much the same way the cable or the
lens in a camera relay information, the former is followed by a
qualitative experience. It is this qualitative experience that is
theoretically denied for animals. Hence, an argument can be made that
animals cannot experience pain as a subjective mental state or some
psychologists and neuroscientists claim that they are not bothered by
the pain.
The secularized version, i.e. the idea that animals are devoid of
consciousness begins largely with Rene Descartes and his philosophy of
Cartesian Dualism by which he held that material processes are
insufficient to explain rational thinking and language. This is also why
he drew the line between animals and humans as the former do not have
rational thought or language and he held that a purely mechanical
explanation could account for their behavior [4] Hence, he claimed that a
purely mechanical understanding of animal existence absolved people of
any guilt in killing animals and also of performing vivisections for
experimentation [5] This view doesn’t hold weight in the light of modern
science as language and rationality can be explained largely through a
mechanical view. The same is not true for phenomenal consciousness.
Secular worldview
Most modern secularists being materialists, i.e. who hold a
completely material account for the human being and brain (and also the
world), see consciousness as an evolved characteristic of the human mind
through natural selection (evolution). Most scientific studies into
animal consciousness proceed through a behaviorist approach, i.e. they
study the behavior of animals to infer consciousness. On this account,
it is important to note the problem with such an approach. Allen and
Trestman (2015) note that consciousness cannot be inferred based on
behavioral studies, if (and only if) phenomenal consciousness has no
measurable effects on human behavior (epiphenomenalism). It will be
shown shortly why this conclusion (that phenomenal consciousness can
have no measurable effects on behavior) is inevitable in a materialist
world view. They continue further, “If phenomenal consciousness is
completely epiphenomenal, as some philosophers believe, then a search
for the functions of consciousness is doomed to futility.” [6] [From a
Dharma point of view, that consciousness would have no measurable
effects on behavior follows from the notion that the atma is akarta i.e.
the atma (as pure consciousness and witness) is not the doer – see
Bhagavad Gita 13.32. This is not to say that consciousness is
epiphenomenal from a Dharma point of view. However, elaboration on this
is beyond the scope of the present topic. This was highlighted just to
show that, even as per the Gita, a behavioral approach to judge the
presence/absence of consciousness is flawed]
Epiphenomenalism (as stated earlier) means that mental states are
produced by physical states of the brain and cannot themselves influence
the physical states in the brain. Huxley (1874) gives an excellent
analogy where he compares mental events (and hence phenomenal
consciousness) to a steam whistle that contributes nothing to the work
of a locomotive. [7] With a material monist world view, this conclusion
would be unavoidable for if every consciousness state has an equivalent
neural correlate then the question arises as to which (mental or neural
i.e. consciousness or physical) has influence over the other. All
stimulus having its origin in matter must then eventually work its way
to a resulting neural state (through physical forces) thereby
establishing the priority of the neural state (material) over the mental
(consciousness). This invariably leads to the conclusion that the
mental state has no effect whatsoever on the physical and thus no effect
on behavior. If one pursues this line of thought, then even human
beings can be explained away as purely mechanical automata and deserve
no rights themselves.
Setting aside this dead end for a behaviorist approach, there are
other problems we can note in the studies. Very often the impulse is to
study animal behavior in the light of human behavior. The invariable
fall out of this is that the conclusion is already assumed in the
inquiry, i.e. that animals are acknowledged to have consciousness based
on the degree with which they match human behavior.
There is also extensive neuroscience research to compare human
nervous system against several animal species. As per Griffin &
Speck, the search for neural correlates of consciousness has not
revealed “any structure or process necessary for consciousness that is
found only in human brains.” This view is widely although not
universally shared by neuroscientists. [8]
This inevitably brings us to the mind-body problem that is explained in the book,
“The Architecture of knowledge”, by
Dr. Subhash Kak. He notes that the materialist doctrine implies either a
denial of consciousness or that mental events are epiphenomena. [9]
That mental events are epiphenomena has already been established to be a
road block in inferring consciousness from behavior as shown earlier.
To conclude, there is no evading the fact that in a reductionist and
materialist approach, it is inevitable that consciousness as mere
epiphenomena reduces human beings to mechanical automata much the same
as animals were viewed up until now (i.e. even human rights has no basis
and secularists being materialists themselves aren’t taking their world
view to a logical conclusion in their so called fight for ‘human
rights’). Therefore, we are not only guilty of great crimes against
non-human life, but we would also have no basis for law or “human
rights”, since humans would be reduced to mere mechanical automata.
This treatment of animals is yet another instance of a recurring
pattern seen in the history of the West. The “other” of the day is
subjected to extremely reductionist views and violently subjugated. Once
the damage is done (viz. colonialism, imperialism, genocides, etc.) and
there is no turning back, then there is an acknowledgement of past
errors and liberal apologists will elevate the suppressed often to boost
their own “savior” complex. We can see this happening even with respect
to the present case where voices in some branches of the academia are
acknowledging the presence of consciousness in animals, but this will
take a long time to become a mainstream view before which many more
billions of animals will have been slaughtered.
Dharmic worldview
In direct contrast to the world views discussed so far, Indian
traditions view consciousness as a) all-pervading and b) present as the
essential self of all jivas (both human and non-human life). The
Chandogya Upanishad declares that the self, pervades all existence like
salt in water. The very first verse of Isha Upanishad states that all
existence is inhabited by Ishvara. The Manu Smriti (1.49) explicitly
declares that even plants have consciousness. It is thus evident why
Indians revere nature and why ahimsa assumes a high stature in Indian
culture. This does not mean that injury or violence is avoided wholesale
and is totally absent, as that would be impossible, but rather that
there is a conscious awareness of the harm being caused and a worldview,
which advocates minimizing such injuries to the extent possible in
one’s own life. Harm is seen as an inevitable necessity for life as the
Bhaghavata Purana states, “The life of life is life [9]”, i.e. plants
and animals, which as food gives life to humans, are life as well.
There is vibrant debate among various Indian traditions as to what
extent of harm is valid and we have the Jains taking the most extreme
position of pacifism. Thiruvalluvar dedicates a whole set of 10 couplets
(ch26) towards non-harming of animals in his Thirukkural. There is also
gradation in allowable harm for different stages of life and based on
one’s svadharma. A Sannyasi, for example, avoids any form of injury,
including cooking of food, whereas a Kshatriya must take up arms for the
sake of Dharma. Ahimsa is also recognized as a Samanya Dharma i.e.
universal principle irrespective of class, gender or station in life.
[11] Bheeshma, the Kshatriya par excellence, explains the glory of
ahimsa in the Anushasana parva of Mahabharata thus, “Non-injury is the
highest duty, non-injury is the highest self-restraint, non-injury is
the highest gift, and it is the highest austerity.” [12] Viva Kermani in
her article “
Hindu roots of modern ecology”
shows in detail how various plants and trees are protected and revered
in the traditions of India and also how animals have been integrated in
Indian culture in the form of vahanas of different deities. It
demonstrates as to how the indigenous tradition of India is a vibrant
nature tradition with nature protection forming the very seed ideas
right from the Vedas. Since, the seed idea of ahimsa is deeply embedded
in Indian culture, it has sprouted and flowered in various forms amongst
different communities and traditions. The idea here is not to analyze
micro level/specific instances and judge them, but rather to defend the
intrinsic value of ahimsa and let it work itself out among the various
communities and cultures across the world. I see that it is the vision
of the Rishis to introduce the concept of ahimsa as a guiding principle
without strict quantification so that each individual or tradition may
strive towards the ideal to the best of their ability or svadharma. What
we have in the present worldview of modernity is a total denial of this
ideal or at best applying it only to humans. The result is the most
horrific forms of factory farming guided solely by a cold maximization
of profit.
The cocoon of Indian secularists
The secularists of India reduce all this complexity to “religious
superstition” notwithstanding the fact that the rate of slaughter has
grown tenfold in the past thirty years, clearly a feat of “progress” and
“modernity”. [13] The hollowness of their thinking must be evident from
the ideas surveyed so far. They even give news space to the likes of
Kancha Iliah, who claims that our (Indians’) brains are not growing as
we gave up eating beef. [14] The Christianized Indian elite perpetuate
the same Christian idea on India that practices are derived from
scriptures.[15] Hence, Indian practices of ahimsa are watered down as
they may not always be found in the “holy books”. Practices like
avoiding meat on particular days of the week are treated as
“superstition” by the more secularized Indians and are slowly being
discarded. Hardly any modern Indian is aware of their daily dharma
towards feeding animals. The secular intellectual elite display a total
lack of original thinking, when it comes to animal welfare. Hence, we
see a frantic quest for conservation of species, once they enter the
“endangered list”, while displaying a total disregard for traditions
that protect them. Case in point is the recent ban on Jallikattu, where
the animal welfare board of India claimed that they are more interested
in animal “welfare” rather than conserving species (ironically in
response to the charge that the ban results in native breeds being sent
to slaughter houses) [16] Please read
this article for a detailed analysis of the Jallikattu ban and hypocrisy of the courts.
Secularism has had a detrimental impact on the environment as shown
The secular intellectuals never fail to break the pattern of playing
the “individual rights” card when it comes to animal slaughter while
being more than happy to ban Indian traditions that involve animals even
when they don’t involve killing or even injury.
Modern animal rights activism
The fact that animal rights activists frame their campaign as a
“rights” campaign shows us that the eventual aim is to bring the issue
into the purview of law and the state. As
article shows, India is a Dharma society rather than a law driven
society. The inevitable fallout of such a stance is that what will be
deemed as right/wrong will become purely a function of numbers and
political clout rather than truth. So, we see that tens of billions of
animals are slaughtered per year without the slightest reaction by our
“conscience keepers”, while a festival like Jallikattu, where no animal
is killed will be branded as animal abuse and banned. The native
custodians of the traditions hardly have a say in the matter and are
poorly represented. The same secular intellectuals that claim that such
traditions are barbaric are the ones who gleefully advertise their beef
eating sprees and beef fests (One wonders how beef eating became
fashionable in India). The same applies to the ban of temple elephants
in Kerala. Of course, these motivated stunts are more political in
nature than a genuine case of animal rights activism as shown
here. The problem lies in the fact that many well-meaning Indians buy into this farce.
The secularized discourse by activists, who are so sure that
“religion must never be dragged into animal rights”, just facilitate the
digestion of Indian ideas into Western universalism as shown by Rajiv
Malhotra. [17] Most activists rejoice the ban of the aforementioned
traditions and very often are the ones leading the legal case towards
the ban. By their commitment to never touch “certain” religion in their
criticism, they ensure that large scale violence towards animals will
remain unchallenged.
With a comparative study of various worldviews as shown above, it is
safe to conclude that it is only from the Indian traditions and
worldviews that any genuine case for animal welfare can be made and
hence it remains the sole hope for millions of innocent and peaceful
creatures across the globe. I hope this article has put to rest the
shallow thinking of the likes – “survival of the fittest” – that has
enthralled many modern Indians. The horrendous treatment they are
subjected to, needs no mention here. Modern factory farming is the
biggest shame on human civilization.
Indians must hence pose a serious intellectual challenge to such
reductionist ideas about animals and enable the spread of the notion of
ahimsa, which must be our minimum commitment to Dharma. It is very clear
from the analysis so far that the very notion of ahimsa is in question
not merely, in practice, but in the academia and the sphere of ideas.
The gravity of this cannot be over stated.
Sabhar from India Facts.